Photo Challenge – Story

Photo Challenge – Story



I am new to this. My apologies if I am a little disorganized.

Visual Stories. Initially I thought to myself that ANY photo is a visual story. However, some pictures evoke the story that I saw or felt more than others. Here are three shots from Cannon Beach, Oregon. At some point outside of this challenge I will post other pictures from this same evening.

A few things. I suppose I could let the photos speak for themselves, however in this post I want to talk about these three and why I wanted to post them.

The “Lonely Expanse”. Here there is some marine layer fog on the water. I arrived in time to do sunset pictures and was bummed that the fog took that away from me. I was left with very weak light and not a lot of time. This is actually a shot North along the coast and I liked how the Dune in front of me led to this long stretch of sand, water, rocks, and ultimately the beach winds it way onward. I also like how the fog limits the view and makes things less distinct. Much like life, the further away I look in the picture, the less clear it becomes. That is somehow comforting to me as it is echoed in nature. Even though I could mess with Photoshop and have the sun be less blown out, I like the burst of light, the slight bit of color, and knowing that even here, at this time, the sun was indistinct and weak.

The second is Alone… yet not. I actively avoid taking pictures of people when I can. I watched this young lady sit and take pictures on her cell phone and stare out at the waves for the entire time I was there. I shot around her. However, when the couple walking their dog came into frame… I couldn’t resist. I find it interesting that the center subject is simply staring at the ocean (alone in her thoughts), the couple are looking down (Alone in their thoughts as they were not speaking), and the dog… The dog. It was being a dog, alone in it’s thoughts yet his head is up and paying attention.

The third, Resilient. What is there to say about this one? A battered tree, growing best away  from the ocean. Beaten by wind, rain, and all manner of elements. Yet it stands fast along the corner of this property. Oh, and Haystack Rock is visible in the background.

So. First post done. Thoughts are welcome.

4 thoughts on “Photo Challenge – Story”

  1. I’m actually glad that the sunset wasn’t in full force in this picture. I love the depth of this pic and find it more comforting than one that is all bright and sunny. Is it going to rain? Is it going to clear up? As with life, we choose which way to go in life’s uncertainties and you captured Mother Nature in the act of giving us one of her beautiful displays. Thank you for sharing and I’m anxiously looking forward to seeing more.

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